Oh boy, this book was a biggie! Close to four years in the making, various points of contact, hundreds of images and the weight of responsibility with working on one of the county’s most loved brands.
Sure to Rise: The Edmonds Story tells of the famous baking powder, patents, trademarks, the hugely popular cookbook, renowned factory and gardens, the family behind the brand, and the landmarks founder Thomas Edmonds gifted to Ōtautahi Christchurch.
Authored by Peter Alsop, Kate Parsonson and Richard Wolfe, the book uses more than 500 images to help document the Edmonds family story alongside the evolution of one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most distinctive brands and its domestic trademark – the Edmonds Sure to Rise logo. Done and dusted, and available from (most) good book shops.
The Gas Project have designed their fair share of coffee brands. Sometimes the deal involves free coffee samples. Until now we’ve been reliant on a vintage Braun coffee grinder, that itself is reliant on an often unreliable Central Otago electricity network. So to keep visiting clients (and ourselves) in freshly ground coffee, the office has invested in a hand grinder by Japanese company Snow Peak through Wellington retailer and our new favourite store, Coffee Outdoors. The same old grind, just different. Great with Good Joe coffee. Drop in for a cuppa.
This project is one that is very close to home. In fact, it IS home. When we moved to Central Otago in 2019, we commissioned a simple house by Christchurch architect and sometime collaborator Charlie Nott. It’s still a work in progress, but we were stoked to win a few awards in 2023, an NZIA Southern Architecture Award, an NZIA National Award, the NZ Interior Design Award for a residential building and a Best Design Award. Good things come in small packages.
The Otago Brew School is a full time brewery course run by Otago Polytechnic / TePukenga from their Bannockburn, Central Otago / Comwell Campus. The by-product of teaching brewers is they make a lot of beer – in various styles. So they created a retail arm and Gas were tasked with naming, branding and package design. The can design is based on the location in Bannockburn, near Lake Dunstan – an environment surrounded by mountains and dramatic skies. The site is not only a brewery, it is the future of brewing in Aotearoa, by offering hands-on learning to help craft the next generation of brewers. We’ll drink to that.
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