Tenaya is a Spanish-based climbing shoe manufacturer who still make all their products in Spain, also the home of Camper and Bob Dylan’s Spanish Boots of Spanish Leather. We were asked by the local distributor, based in Central Otago, to create a website for these world-class shoes. Safely roped in, we designed and built the site for maximum flexibility and ease of use, showcasing the shoes and some gravity-defying imagery.
To check out their range, head to their site here.
One of the things about living in a small community is that often, if you want something done, you have to do it yourself, with the help of the rest of the village. That was the case with developing a website for Ophir, the small Central Otago settlement we call home. While the website was designed and built by Gas, large parts were researched and written by a number of folks in the village, with images, both historic and modern day, coming out of albums from others. It’s part of an ongoing project to document the town’s history and collect stories from some of the older residents before their memories become like us after a couple of jugs of pinot at Blacks pub.
When we first moved to Otago, friends would ask “why would you want to move there?”. Well, this site just might answer that question. Hit this link to visit the site, or hit the trail to visit the town.
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