Spread the love

June 16th, 2013 § 1 comment § permalink

We live in a sort of dairy paradise (unless you look at our rivers, but that’s a whole ‘nother story), so why has it taken so long to get good butter here? Its like buses. You wait for ages, and then all of a sudden, along come two. Well this one has well been worth waiting for. Al Brown and Whitestone Cheese teamed up some time ago to produce the freshest, tastiest and yellowist butter a toast-loving kiwi could wish for. Yep, it even tastes good on that dreadful gluten-free stuff. Gas were lucky to join early prototype-tasting sessions and for the last two weeks have been rediscovering what bread should taste like. Oh yeah, and we also designed the packaging. Tip-o-the-hat to Andy Warhol for some Pop Art-style inspiration. Available in three ‘flavours’ from selected supermarkets, Farrow Fresh in Auckland and Best Ugly bagels (more about that later), its yellow goodness. Go to the spreadthelove site to learn more.
